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Valentine's Day treat for you! With love x

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Valentine’s Day occurs but once a year on February 14th, so let’s celebrate in style with the most unique and wonderful gemstone gifts…

But where does, Valentine’s Day come from? Across the world, chocolates, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St Valentine, but where have these traditions originated?

They are steeped in legend and are somewhat a mystery; even around St Valentine himself.

Saint Valentine’s Day is celebrated in February and is historically associated with love and fertility, which encompasses the marriage of Zeus and Hera in Ancient Athens and the Roman festival of Lupercus, the god of fertility.

History has it, that the Luperci priests would perform a purification ritual, by slaughtering goats to the god, run through the streets of Rome, of which the young women believed that if they touched the sacrifice, would improve their chances of conceiving a child.

Pope Galasius in 496 declared the first official Saint Valentine’s Day on 14th February, in memory of the 3rd century martyred young priest. The Emperor decreed that marriages of his younger citizens be outlawed, as it made his soldiers weak. Bishop Valentine believed in marriage as it was part of god’s plan, and betrayed Emperor Claudius in 270 by conducting illegitimate weddings, all in the name of love! However, this was Bishop Valentine’s downfall, and was shortly after jailed then beheaded, but not before he fell in love with the jailer’s daughter.

It is suggested that on the evening of his execution, the Bishop passed his love a note, which read “from your Valentine”, defining the tradition of Valentine’s Day.

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