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Blog - #Diamonds #Blackdiamonds #sparkle #camberandkernz

Diamonds are a girls best friend!

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Marylin Monroe was so right, when she sang about diamonds being a girls best friend all those years ago!, but what is it about them that makes them so wonderful...

The most popular diamond cut is the modern round brilliant, whose facet arrangements and proportions have been perfected by mathematical analysis and improved through the centuries. The strictest standards are applied to the round brilliant cut, although its facet count is invariable, its proportions are not. 

Through the ages different cuts have been perfected and developed along the way. The Point cut was developed in the Mid 14th century, progressed through to the Table cut mid 15th century. The Old Single cut and the culet were added in the 16th century, though still didn’t have strong dispersion and appeared very dark, that’s why Sapphires and Rubies were more popular in jewellery of this era.

The first brilliant cuts were introduced in the mid 17th century. They had 17 facets on the crown, this later increased to 33 by the work of Vincent Peruzzi, thereby increasing fire and brilliance of the cut gem. The Peruzzi cut diamonds we seen now, seem exceedingly dull compared to the modern brilliant cuts.

By the end of the 18th century further progress had occurred and the creation of the Old European cut was developed with a shallower pavilion, more rounded shape and different arrangements of facets – the forerunner of the modern brilliant.

The modern round brilliant cut consists of 58 facets including the culet, 33 on the crown and 25 on the pavilion.

Just wonderful!

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